You should expect to receive your medical aid card within one month of joining. However, should you need to go to a general practitioner before your card is issued please make sure you obtain a confirmation of membership certificate from our membership department.
Please consult our membership department with a written letter of your intentions. Our membership department will advise you of the way forward.
Email:Â contributions@masca.co.zw
Click on the Join Masca button and get detailed instructions on how to join.
You can contact our marketing department on marketing@masca.co.zw for details and advice.
Members traveling outside Zimbabwe should remember to purchase a travel cover policy before they leave. They should consult MASCA for available options.
If a patient is not covered by any policy but holds a MASCA card, some service providers may accept it upon verification with MASCA, while others may require cash upfront. If a member pays upfront, detailed invoices and receipts can be submitted for reimbursement in accordance with MASCA rules.